Thursday, April 9, 2009

sping program

Landon has his Kindergarten Spring Program at school today.
We have been working hard and practicing lines for a month.
This is a picture of him at the beginning of his program.
All smiles.

And here is a picture of Landon after he delivered his line about being Donny the duck...
He spoke so fast that we couldn't understand a word.
Miss Dill asked Landon to repeat his line.
Landon was thrown off guard...froze and started sobbing.
He refused to stand for the remainder of the program.
This is the only photo thereafter that I could take of my little guy...sitting on the risers peeking at me...My guess is he was trying to determine the amount of trouble he was in.

He didn't get into any trouble...I was the same kind of shy kid when I was his age.
I'm just going to blame the whole mishap on Miss Dill.
Nice going Miss Dill.
(I actually love Miss Dill)
But she can take the fall for this one.

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