Monday, April 13, 2009

easter on decatur street

Easter was lovely this year. I love this time of year and I love the reason that we celebrate Easter.
I don't know that any other holiday can be as personal to me as Easter and the Resurrection
of Our Savior.
We celebrated by having family over for Easer Brunch. (I make a mean brunch...probably one of the things that I do best).
We started off with an egg hunt for the children...couldn't make them wait any longer.

Mr C and myself...I can hardly believe he is smiling.

All of the anxious kids ready to go!

My little Morgan (finally she is wearing skirts again...went through the past 2 years BEGGING her to wear a dress of a skirt).

Mom and Landon

Morgan, mom, Landon and Mikey (Mikey hates to be photographed...just happy he's in the picture)

My sister Jessica and her boys Tag and Jack

Jessica, Mother and myself (mother hates to be photographed as well...must have passed that onto Mikey)

The kids inspecting their egg's fillings...

Morgan just being pretty.

Auntie Jessie and Morgan (my sis spent all afternoon giving her tips on being a girl to Morgan...some of them were a little suspect).

After brunch, we played a serious game of dominoes.

I W O N !!

The men watched some golf...something about a big golf game to win some silly unattractive green jacket.

I love any reason to get the family together and celebrate.
After the dishes were done and the children were put to bed, I asked Mr C what was next to celebrate...
On Saturday we celebrate 2 years of sharing life together.
I think I'll make a cake.
2 years of joy is definitely worth celebrating with cake.
I'm thinking chocolate.


3 Including Me... said...

Easter was so fantastic... and i must say your potatos.. are award winning in my book (and if everyone else tried them they would say the same)! YUM!
Oh and Morgan.... Tip #34 always have $.35 cents in your wallet incase you get stranded.. wait.. we have cell phones now.... Scratch that... Tip #34, never leave home with out your cell phone!

Jeanne Oliver said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Easter! Regarding the cake...any reason is a good reason to make chocolate:-)

Tara said...

What a great day, looks like your family had a great time!! you are absolutely gorgeous, and thank you for swinging by my blog and leaving me a comment! I will be back for now I have to get some work done! nice to meet you...

Kasey said...

o.k. hot momma!
look at you and your darn cute fam!!