Saturday, March 21, 2009

Checking in...

Just checking in here. Trying to do my part and fight against "blog neglecting"...can result in very bad case of catching up blogitis...or so I've heard.

This weekend finds us with 6 of our children in the two friends that Kali had slumber over last night. 3 fourteen year old boy crazy girls...I don't think that they have stopped giggling yet. I remember those days...I still haven't stopped giggling.

Today was an early Saturday...I try hard to fight against these. I think that Saturdays were meant for a little extra sleeping in...that and the inevitable laundry catch up day. We headed out east to watch Mr C's nephew, Ethan ride in his dirt bike race. 2 hours of incredibly loud and daring boys and a couple of girls riding around on dirt hills while onlookers cheered and I cringed. I am too much of a nervous mother to enjoy this outdoor activity. It was during the second race that I convinced Landon that he might be better suited for cooking classes and not so much this crazy sport on fast bikes. Ethan won both races. I got sunburned on my left shoulder and arm. The right side will have to play catch up and soak up some sun soon...might have to look into artificial tan for that. It's a pretty bad burn.

My favorite part of today will undoubtedly be Big Daddy Taco Night...a favorite in this home. Mr C is the taco master in my book...(plus, this particular meal needs no extra assistance from me...I can sit on sofa with lemonade in hand and watch him flip tortillas over stove...doesn't get any better than that)...I told my stomach earlier that it was in for a taco treat so I am trying hard to keep her empty so that she may fill up with taco delight later this evening....(that and the chocolate cake that I asked my sweetie to pick up along with the other groceries).

Must now send this little check in post into the interweb now...have to catch up on laundry before I sit on sofa with before mentioned lemonade. Hope your weekend is finding you well.

1 comment:

paige said...

such a cute post
i think hanging out with your lemonad watching the man cook is a great way to go!!

thank you for such an encouraging note on my blog--blessings to you!!