Saturday, April 4, 2009

saturday in april...

It's early afternoon on Saturday.
Today started off with a little heartache.
My 3 kids came back early this morning from their Dad's house.
He spends time with the kids every Friday night.
He had a rough night last night breaking some news to our kids.
He found a new job that was taking him out of state.
He is leaving on Monday.
So...this morning when he dropped off my 3 little lives...
there were tears.
Lots of sadness.
We came inside and I talked to Mikey about the news...he was upset but handling himself so well.
When did he become so well equipped to handle this kind of change?
Morgan was most concerned about the bag of Webkinz that her Dad let her bring home.
She already knows she loves her Dad and will write to him to tell him how much she misses him.
I didn't see Landon.
I walked toward his room after I noticed his light on.
He was sitting on his bed with his broken heart...crying.
This immediately broke my heart to see my little guy so upset.
I scooped him up and squeezed him hard.
I started crying while trying to make him feel better.
Crying is completely okay in this situation.
Landon crying because he already missed his Dad.
Me Crying because my little Landon was so upset.
Vicious circle of tears.
I then decided that the fail-proof method of heading to Target to pick
up some "feel better treats" was entirely in order.
Target makes (almost) everything better in my world.
We had a cart full of therapy.
New Legos for Mikey...Little Pets for Morgan...and a noisy truck for Landon...
There were some treats for me too.
We felt better when we drove home.
Came up with some great ideas for the kids to keep in touch with their Dad until he can make it back for a visit.
Saturday made a turn around.
Now...we are preparing food and treats to take over to my sister's.
She is having us over for a BBQ tonight.
After food...we will most likely engage in a very cut-throat game of pictionary.
Girls vs. Boys.
Boys don't stand a chance in my book.
I'm just sayin'.
Girls rule...Boys drool.
Morgan taught me that.
Pretty clever.
Oh...some exciting news for me.
I submitted an entry for the Mom Squad on the morning show
Your Life A to Z...
I had an interview Thursday with the shows host...Lisa Haffner and one
of the producers...
I got an email while I was at dinner with Mr C...
An email welcoming me to the Mom Squad!
Mr C and I high-fived.
It's pretty exciting for me.
I get to have segments on momish things and not so momish things
that I think are important.
We tape the first one on Tuesday...
They want to introduce the new Mom Squad.
I'm a little nervous...but mostly excited.
Heading out with sister tomorrow to vamp up the wardrobe.
Just a good reason to go shopping really...
but then again...who needs a reason to shop?
So...I'm off now...going to try and "dismantle"the battery pack from Landon's new noisy truck.
Hope Saturday is serving you well.


sherry said...

Wow, congratulations! I may actually have to start watching T.V to see you. You will let us know when your first segment comes out?

JECKBECK (Erin) said...

This story of the kids' dad moving made me cry, right here at work. I rememeber moving away from my dad. It was a sad day so I feel like I can relate. It all ends well, but it sucks at the same time. Hope it goes smoothly.

PS- I am totally DVRing the show! Can't wait to see what you ahve planned.